That Sunday evening, had just held the preaching about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Final moments were always ended with prayers and supplications to our God, asking for His mercy in our lives, therefore, always been my duty as a Christian pastor and follow the commandments of our Lord Jesus:"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. "(Mark 16: 15)
I remember in the worship service, there were decisions of people surrendering their lives to Jesus as the sole and sufficient Savior.It was wonderful what God had done in these lives that were lost, as sheep that have been diverted from its true pastor.
I tell a little story for you this:
It was always a real spiritual struggle to convey the true gospel to all citizens of that province, as I and other Christians were doing so that nobody knew, because it was forbidden to preach the gospel in a country entirely Hindu.
Our churches were built below ground in unfamiliar territory in the region, as well, difficult access to soldiers and policemen who were on their way to church with the intention of capturing them, and flog them to death. The night before the Sunday, me, some pastors and Christians gathered in a prayer meeting as usual, and in that moment of communion with their brethren, God had spoken to my heart to insist on forward his word to the captives, because We were relying on a God who saves and transforms!
We left our church at 14:23 and continued on his way to the north of the province. Arriving there, we saw families and children in their homes worshiping gods and idols throughout the region.Was to look at their faces and cry out for help from above, at the same time, it was sad and shedding tears from our faces. We could not waste time even hesitate, because every moment could be caught by police and soldiers, but even so, we were still confident and vigilant in our prayers directed to God.
With access restricted to the bible, it was difficult to pass the word to the captives of salvation. However, in pockets, were kept incomplete short chapters, so each brother in Christ drew a strategy so that the captives should hear the word of God. Every moment was tense, because everyone should speak softly and walk slowly, to avoid being captured and not heard, because we had some children and families who had been found throughout the province. At 15:44, we're back to our underground church with the "lost souls", but as hunters of men: "And he said unto them: Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."(Matt. 4: 19)
As hunters, men on the seafront, we are on the verge of soldiers and policemen as if we were their prey, "Then shall they deliver you to tribulation, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations because of my name. (Matthew 24: 9)
Inside the underground church, listening to the footsteps of soldiers in pursuit of our quest. We tried to hide in strategic places, but even so, they captured us, "And having given them many lashes, they cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely." (Acts 16: 23)
A few hours in jail, interceding for God ...
"And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately opened all the doors and the jails were released to all." (Acts 16: 26)
Right now, soldiers and police did not believe what God had done when we were stuck, so one of them asked:
- "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
We answer:
-Believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved you and your home.
Right now, one of the soldiers still insisted on denying, and said:
-I do not believe in God or you deny Jesus or be dead!
"This saying is trustworthy: If we die with him, he will live if we persevere we shall also reign with him. If we deny he also will deny us: if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he can not deny himself "(2 Timothy 2:11-13 NIV)
"Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25: 34)
And during Sunday night ... Those who accepted Christ will reign for all eternity, good and perfect will of God the Father! Amen!
http://mensagensdeus.blogspot.com/ VERSÃO PORTUGUÊS/ PORTUGUESE VERSION
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